About Us

We are faculty, staff, students, and community members around Wisconsin and beyond.  We are working to understand issues of language and dialect connected to Wisconsin, and we work with communities throughout the Midwest on research projects but also in the form of public talks and discussions, and interviews with print, radio, and television media. In our public discussions, participants help us explore how Wisconsinites talk, how our regional English has come to be so distinctive, and how the linguistic situation of Wisconsin is changing today. We’re happy to answer questions and we’re happy to come talk with folks in communities around the state.

WL Founders

Thomas Purnell

Position title: WL Founder; English Language & Linguistics, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: tcpurnell@wisc.edu

Eric Raimy

Position title: WL Founder; English Language & Linguistics, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: raimy@wisc.edu

Joe Salmons

Position title: WL Founder & CSUMC Director; Language Sciences, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: jsalmons@wisc.edu

WL Current Collaborators

Joshua Bousquette

Position title: Linguistics, University of Georgia

Email: bousquet@uga.edu

Josh Brown

Position title: Languages, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

Email: brownjo@uwec.edu

Cristopher Font-Santiago

Position title: English Language & Linguistics, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: fontsantiago@wisc.edu

Sarah Holmstrom

Position title: Language Sciences, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: slholmstrom@wisc.edu

Samantha Litty

Position title: Humboldt Fellow, Universität Flensburg

Email: slitty@wisc.edu

Monica Macaulay

Position title: Language Sciences, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America

Email: mmacaula@wisc.edu

David Natvig

Position title: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo

Email: d.a.natvig@iln.uio.no

Kelsie Pattillo

Position title: Linguistics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Email: kelsie@uwm.edu

Michael T. Putnam

Position title: Germanic & Slavic, Penn State University

Email: mtp12@psu.edu

Kathryn Remlinger

Position title: English, Grand Valley State University

Email: remlingk@gvsu.edu

Catherine Stafford

Position title: Spanish & Portuguese, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: cstafford@wisc.edu

WL Past Collaborators

Joan Hall

Position title: Chief Editor Emerita, Dictionary of American Regional English, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: jdhall@wisc.edu

Yvonne Nagel

Position title: Sr IPC Emeritus, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: ynagel@math.wisc.edu

Peyton Smith

Position title: Assistant Vice Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Luanne von Schneidemesser

Position title: Senior Editor Emerita, Dictionary of American Regional English, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: lvonschn@wisc.edu

Karen Washinawatok

Position title: Former Director, Menominee Language and Culture Commission

Erica Benson

Position title: English, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire

Email: bensonej@uwec.edu

Benjamin Frey

Position title: American Studies, University of North Carolina

Email: benfrey@email.unc.edu

Mark Livengood

Position title: Story Center Director, Mid-Continent Public Library

Email: mlivengood@mymcpl.org

Felecia Lucht

Position title: Director, Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes (WISLI)

Antje Petty

Position title: Associate Director, Max Kade Institute, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: apetty@wisc.edu

Kristin Speth

Position title: Shelter Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Email: kristin.speth@wisc.edu


If you have questions or comments about our work, please email Joe Salmons: jsalmons@wisc.edu.

Web design by Yvonne Nagel and massive work on content by Cristopher Font-Santiago and Sarah Holmstrom.